I am trying to validate a json string that is passed to my application. Whenever my string contains double quotes things get a little murky. I’m a trying to deserialize an invalid json string, something like “A"B”.
I’ve tried to following:
This will return: “A”, I expected an error
When I try to use the JsonObject.Parse method with the same string
It will return an object with the following value: {[A"B", ]}, the final double quote does not make sense to me, and I would also expect an error.
If I try to do the same with the following string:
The return value will be “A”, which makes no sense as this is not a valid json string.
If I try to do the same with the JavascriptSerializer
var a = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var res = a.Deserialize<string>("\"A\"B\"");
it will throw an error because it’s not valid JSON. Which is what I expect.
For now I deserialize the string and serialize it again and see if it matches the original string, if not I consider the parsing failed and throw my own error, but something seems off here. Maybe somebody can explain whether I am doing something wrong or if this is a bug.
Kind regards,