iOS App Crashes in Release mode on making api request using ServiceStack client in .Net MAUI

I have integrated ServiceStack Client nuget package in .net maui app and making api request from it. It works fine in debug mode on ios platform, but in Release mode my app crashes. I’m not able to figure out what error it produces and why my app got crashed.
I have tried both ServiceStack Client and ServiceStack Http client packages but both does not work for me.

As I have implemented Sentry logging to it. So, when I make the api request I got SIGABRT error in my logs.

Any ideas how to resolve this?


I’ve already answered this on StackOverflow iOS App Crashes in Release mode on making api request using ServiceStack client in .Net MAUI - Stack Overflow

Don’t have anything else to add, iOS NO JIT restrictions make it an unstable platform where you’re likely to run into issues like this with .NET libraries that use Reflection, best you can do is to not link or trim any assemblies that contain your serializable types, e.g. your ServiceModel .dll