Is IAuthResponseFilter global for all auth providers?

I’ve got 2 auth providers, one is based off a CredentialsAuthProvider, while the other from MicrosoftGraphAuthProvider.

For the cred one, we’ve also implement this IAuthResponseFilter to return some extra things.

This means to implement two methods, even though we’re only interested in the first:

    /// Intercept successful Authenticate Request DTO requests 
    Task ExecuteAsync(AuthFilterContext authContext);

    /// Intercept successful OAuth redirect requests 
    Task ResultFilterAsync(AuthResultContext authContext, CancellationToken token=default);

When authenticating with the credentials auth provider, the first method is called (obviously), but when we authenticated with the OAuth-based provider, the second method is called (even if the method is implemented in the credentials-auth-provider).

It seems very strange that the method ResultFilterAsync which resides inside our CredentialsAuthProvider should be called from another AuthProvider.

If these methods are global across all auth providers, shouldn’t they reside in something independent from the two auth providers?


AuthProviderA : CredentialsAuthProvider
AuthProviderB : OAuth-based-provider
MyAuthFilters : IAuthResponseFilter

where MyAuthFilters would contain the result filters, to be called independent of which AuthProvider was used.

It gets invoked for all auth providers, which is what allows the JWT Auth Provider to populate JWT Tokens for other Auth Provider requests.