Is there a RabbitMQ AuthRepository?

I see that there you’ve created Auth Repositories for these servers. Is there any way to extend this to support RabbitMQ???

OrmLiteAuthRepository - Supporting most major RDBMS
RedisAuthRepository - Uses Redis back-end data store
DynamoDbAuthRepository - Uses AWS DynamoDB data store
MongoDbAuthRepository - Uses MongoDB data store
InMemoryAuthRepository - Uses InMemory Auth Repository

If not we see that the only option is X509 Certificates. Any best practices for using these certificates?


Rabbit MQ is a Message Queue it can’t support an Auth Repository.

I don’t know what you mean by support for X509 Certificates, it doesn’t have anything to do with the Auth Repository nor is it used anywhere in ServiceStack. If you’re asking for general advice on how to read X509 Certificates in .NET you’d use the X509Certificate2 class, but you should ask any general questions about it on StackOverflow.