Issues with JsConfig.AssumeUtc

We are upgrading our code from ServiceStack 6.9 on .NET 4.7.2 to ServiceStack 8.X on .NET 8
To save a lot of code, we used the
JsConfig.AssumeUtc = true;
to force all DateTimes to be set to Utc instead of Undefined which in our 4.7.2 code works perfectly.
We cannot get it to work in the .NET 8.

List<ExampleClass> result = Db.Select(q);
var temp = JsConfig.AssumeUtc;

In the above example, the DateTimes coming back from the Select are showing the Type as Undefined
Temp is “true” however so I dont get why its not being converted.

Same code in our 4.7.2 code works fine

Any ideas?

JsConfig.AssumeUtc is only used to configure text serialization, not for OrmLite.

Type Converters are used to control type mapping to/from a database.

Some Type Converters allow some customizations, e.g. you can save Dates in UTC and populate them as UTC on data models with:

DateTimeConverter dates = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetDateTimeConverter();
dates.DateStyle = DateTimeKind.Utc;