Locode delete only shows when update request exists

I have some entities that once created can’t be modified, they have to be fully deleted and created from scratch. Inside locode the delete option only shows if the entity has an IUpdateDb. Is it possible to get the delete option to show without giving update functionality?

I’ve added support for deleting records in the ReadOnly form in the latest v8.5.3+ that’s now available in pre-release packages.

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Awesome! Thanks Mythz, I really appreciate that

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I dont see any new pre-release package. I tried clearing my nuget cache and re-downloading but no delete option.

I have the pre-release box ticked and looking on the servicestack pre-release feed: https://f.feedz.io/servicestack/pre-release/nuget/index.json

After clearing the NuGet packages cache I added the DeleteTestEntity to your FilterRepo GitHub project and was able to see the new Delete button in the View Form:

public class DeleteTestEntity : IDeleteDb<TestEntity>, IReturnVoid
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

Make sure you do a hard refresh on the page (i.e. Ctrl+Shift+R) to clear the local browser .js cache as well.

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Thanks, I got it working now :slight_smile: