I personally prefer it to Discourse because we have complete control over any new features and I’m much faster at adding content with the site-wide keyboard shortcuts and developer friendly GitHub-powered Markdown Editor. All of TechStacks is OSS and being actively developed on GitHub - it also serves as a good reference as a medium-sized ServiceStack SPA App powering both Web and Mobile clients.
So I’d like to know if there’s features you like from Discourse that are missing and you’d like to see on TechStacks? If there are please leave any suggestions or feedback in the comments on:
In the meantime I’ll be monitoring an answering questions on here and on TechStacks in parallel, there’s also a daily import to fetch new posts from here into TechStacks.
Popup from bottom creation of posts / replys from anywhere
How it saves the last thing I typed into a new post / reply if I leave (sometimes I’ll come back a day later and finish what I started after debugging)
How the top right search works (saves the search as I go look at individual results, when I go to an issue in the list to view it, then click the spyglass again, it shows the results I previously had so I can keep digging easily).
Bookmarking / favoriting (I use this a lot to go back to posts that were helpful)
I find that your Discourse forums (and any other Discourse forums) are my favorite to work with.
Some things that I explicitly see missing from TechStacks:
Search through posts (maybe I just can’t find it?). I see the homepage I can search for Stacks, but not posts.
Specifically when I’m in the ServiceStack TechStack, there is no Search button anywhere
Under Sign In options it said I can sign in with my existing email and password (this did not work, I’m guessing it meant from the forums site?).
Signing in with my username from this forums site (la2texas) didn’t throw an invalid user or email/password error, but still shows me as not properly signed in to comment on the post.
I’m unable to login. I even reset my password on servicestack.com so I know it is correct.
Can I get email notifications (or the actual text) of new posts? I quite enjoy receiving them from the current forum as it helps me understand the platform as I try to read all of them especially your (mythz) answers.