Method not found


I’m getting this error after I deploy to Azure, project runs fine locally? I’ve check for older version of the binaries, which is apparently what can cause the method not found issue - but all seems ok.

Any ideas?


System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Int32 ServiceStack.OrmLite.OrmLiteWriteExpressionsApi.UpdateOnly(System.Data.IDbConnection, System.__Canon, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1<System.Func`2<System.__Canon,System.Object>>, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1<System.Func`2<System.__Canon,Boolean>>)'.
   at ServiceStack.Caching.OrmLiteCacheClient`1.UpdateIfExists[T](IDbConnection db, String key, T value, DateTime expiresAt)
   at ServiceStack.Caching.OrmLiteCacheClient`1.<>c__DisplayClass21_0`1.<Set>b__0(IDbConnection db)
   at ServiceStack.Caching.OrmLiteCacheClient`1.Exec[T](Func`2 action)
   at ServiceStack.Caching.OrmLiteCacheClient`1.Set[T](String key, T value, TimeSpan expiresIn)
   at ServiceStack.ServiceExtensions.CacheSet[T](ICacheClient cache, String key, T value, Nullable`1 expiresIn)
   at ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost.OnSaveSession(IRequest httpReq, IAuthSession session, Nullable`1 expiresIn)
   at CornerDrop.Services.Session.CdSession.<GetNodes>d__35.MoveNext() in ********

Try deleting the /packages folder, then restore all packages and check to see if all ServiceStack packages have the same version number

Forgot to mention I’m using 4.5.5 - is this supposed to be stable?

I’ve refreshed the package cache on the build server and they all have the same package version. So I’ve down graded from 4.5.5 (on myget) to 4.5.4 and the problem goes away.

So I’m thinking that 4.5.5 has some dependencies on something that is on my machine (as it works locally), but not on the build server. Could this be the case?


The MyGet pre-release packages are re-deployed under the same version number e.g. v4.5.5 so depending on when you upgrade you could have pulled different packages at different times. You can try deleting your NuGet packages cache that way it will pull the latest v4.5.5 packages at the same time so you’ll get the same versions that were released at the same time.