There are files in my request, I need to place the request in the queue completely, but I can not do this.
When I do this as follows, everything works, but in the processing of the queue, null values:
using (var mqClient = MessageService.CreateMessageQueueClient()) {
When I copy files to a stream, I get an exception:
public class QMsg {
public Stream[] Files { get; set; }
var filesMsg = new QMsg() { Files = new Stream[Request.Files.Length] };
for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Length; i++) {
var ms = new MemoryStream();
filesMsg.Files[i] = ms;
using (var mqClient = MessageService.CreateMessageQueueClient()) {
As can be seen from the description of the exception, the CC tries to serialize the passed parameter to json and then to an array of bytes.
Question: How can I push files to a queue?
Message=Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at ServiceStack.PclExport.<>c__DisplayClass60_01.<CreateGetter>b__0(T o) at ServiceStack.Text.Common.WriteType
2.WriteProperties(TextWriter writer, Object instance)
at ServiceStack.Text.Common.WriteType2.WriteLateboundProperties(TextWriter writer, Object value, Type valueType) at ServiceStack.Text.Common.WriteListsOfElements
2.WriteGenericArrayMultiDimension(TextWriter writer, Array array, Int32 rank, Int32[] indices)
at ServiceStack.Text.Common.WriteListsOfElements2.WriteGenericArray(TextWriter writer, Array array) at ServiceStack.Text.Common.WriteType
2.WriteProperties(TextWriter writer, Object instance)
at ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(Object value, Type type)
at ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.SerializeToString[T](T value)
at ServiceStack.RabbitMq.RabbitMqProducer.Publish(String queueName, IMessage message, String exchange)
at ProductCatalog.Service.ProductCatalogServices.Post(CatalogAddImages request) in d:\Documents\TFSWorkspace\NewBackend\ProductCatalog\ProductCatalog.Service\ProductCatalogServices.cs:line 118
at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceRunner`1.d__13.MoveNext()
Inner Exception 1:
InvalidOperationException: Timeouts are not supported on this stream.