.NET Core 3.0 Compatibility

Microsoft has announced the final version of .NET Core 3.0 will ship during .NET Conf (September 23-25th). I’m aware ServiceStack has compatibility with .NET Core 2.x, but have been waiting for 3.0 before porting everything over from .NET Framework.

I wanted to ask when a ServiceStack version will be released with full .NET Core 3.0 compatibility. Releases have been spread out further this year compared to previous years, so I’m trying to get an idea of when everything will come together.:slightly_smiling_face:

You can already run on .NET Core 3.0 previews. ServiceStack libraries creates platform-neutral .NET Standard 2.0 builds to run on .NET Core which .NET Core 3.0 continues to have full support for.

The Project Templates will be updated to the .NET Core 3 recommended starting configurations after the LTS version of .NET Core 3 is released.

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Would love to see some ServiceStack examples around the new Worker Service and grpc.

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Does that mean you won’t update them until November?

Microsoft doesn’t know when they’ll release an LTS version which is a version that they have confidence in is stable enough to be able to support long term.

Updating the templates before then will break everyone who doesn’t have .NET Core 3.0 installed, which hasn’t even been officially released yet.

Here are the migration notes from .NET Core 2.2 to 3.0, the only changes that were needed to migrate an existing ServiceStack .NET Core 2.1 project to .NET Core 3.0 was change the the Target Framework in the Host and Test projects:

- <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.1</TargetFramework>
+ <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.0</TargetFramework>

and remove the package reference from the host project:

- <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" Version="2.1.*" />

The other projects remain unchanged since they’re netstandard2.0 projects.

You’ll also want to run the pre-release v5.6.1 on MyGet which all .NET Core templates have been pre-configured with using their local NuGet.config.

The link says 3.1 in November will be the LTS.
Thanks for the tips. I don’t have a 2.2 project and was going to start a fresh one when 3.0 comes out.