.NET Standard 2.0 Is released , The ServiceStack next version will Support it?

.NET Standard 2.0 Is released , The ServiceStack next version will Support it?

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.net core 2.0 also released, I think SS.5 will come in next months

You’ll be able to run on .NET Core 2.0 in next release, we’re aiming for 1 week.

ServiceStack .NET Core packages are already on .NET Standard, so I don’t see what you can’t do now that you’re expecting to do with .NET Standard 2.0? either way in next v5 release we’re going to upgrade all .NET Core packages to v2.0 before merging them with the main NuGet packages.


Working without any problems under 2.0!

Here, too. Working without any problems. I hope all *.Core packages get soon merged to the main packages as we currently have to target net461 and core. Now we moved to 2.0 and are able to reference net461 packages. But packages like ServiceStack.Discovery.Consul then try to reference the main packages instead of core. And it looks like its not possible to use the main packages with 2.0 yet.
