Not sure how to do paging with OrmLite on SQL Server

This is not the typical question to get the “Use .Limit(…)” answer

I have the following problem.

var expression = connection.From<Dto>();
expression = expression.Where(x => x.UserId == request.UserId).Limit(pagingInfo.Skip, pagingInfo.PageSize));
expression = expression.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedOn);

Now assume that those Dtos are all created at the same time and table looks like this (for obvious reasons I have cut down guids to the first 8 chars)

9E86BA04	name2	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323
52DE4F06	name2	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323
4885EB18	name3	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323
0E984FF2	name4	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323

Given the same user id, when page = 1, page size = 2 (i.e. Skip = 0, Rows = 2) query is

SELECT TOP 2 * (actual columns here)
FROM "schema"."dtos"
WHERE ("user_id" = 'user1')
ORDER BY "created_on" DESC

This returns

4885EB18 name3 NULL user1 2017-06-25 23:52:59.323
0E984FF2 name4 NULL user1 2017-06-25 23:52:59.323

But I expected the other two rows to be returned (i.e. the first two from the table). I know why this is happening - it has to do with how SQL Server treats TOP queries but I expected ORMLite to have this covered.

SELECT * FROM (SELECT  (actual columns here), ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
ORDER BY "created_on" DESC) As RowNum  
FROM "schema"."dtos"
WHERE ("user_id" = 'AD0CED1D-788E-452D-8C4E-B86EBC4DF587')) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > 2 AND RowNum <= 4

This returns

52DE4F06	name2	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323
4885EB18	name3	NULL	user1	2017-06-25 23:52:59.323

Any ideas on how to sort out this randomness?


The issue is that SQL Server 2008 and prior requires using a Windowing function hack to support paged requests which has limited functionality.

If you’re using SQL Server 2012+ you can use the SqlServer2012Dialect.Provider to get OrmLite to use the proper paging support added in SQL Server 2012, e.g:

var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(
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Thank you! Always helpful!