ORMLite - Left join column ambiguity

Hi all,

I got the following orm lite query:

        return await connection.ColumnDistinctAsync<Guid>(
                .Where<Contact>(x =>
                    x.UserId == req.UserId)
                .LeftJoin<Items>((contact, items) =>
                    contact.UserId == items.UserId &&
                    contact.ContactId == items.ContactId)
                .And<Items>(x => x.ContactId == null), token: token);

Unfortunately this query throws because of “Ambiguous column” exceptions. I thought that by adding the anonymous parameters in the left join in enough for the aliasing?


Try moving all JOINS before any Where clauses as they would be in normal SQL.

Thats the same - Thats how I had it all along. I actually moved the where above the join after seeing an answer on this forums.

Can you provide the full query + types including the select clause that selects the Guid column.

Which answer was this?

So the query is:

        return await connection.ColumnDistinctAsync<Guid>(
                .LeftJoin<Items>((contact, items) =>
                    contact.UserId == items.UserId &&
                    contact.ContactId == items.ContactId)
                .Where<Contact>(x =>
                    x.UserId == req.UserId &&
                    x.WebsiteId == req.WebsiteId)
                .And<Items>(x => x.ContactId == null), token: token);

The Cart and Items objects are simple pocos as I don’t like putting ServiceStack attributes on those common that are shared between projects. Instead, I have two mappings like those:

public class ContactMapping : OrmLiteMapping<Contact>
    public ContactMapping()

        MapToColumn(p => p.Name, "name");
        MapToColumn(p => p.UserId, "user_id");
        MapToColumn(p => p.ContactId, "contact_id");

and items

public class ItemsMapping : OrmLiteMapping<Items>
    public ItemsMapping()

        AutoIncrement(p => p.ItemsId);
        MapToColumn(p => p.ItemsId, "id");
        MapToColumn(p => p.UserId, "user_id");
        MapToColumn(p => p.ContactId, "contact_id");
        MapToColumn(p => p.CreatedOn, "created_on");
        MapToColumn(p => p.CompletedOn, "completed_on");

Please provide the class definition of the Contact and Items Types please, not sure what OrmLiteMapping<T> is, it’s not part of OrmLite.

Also you’re not specifying which field should be selected? I’m expecting to see something like:

    .Select(x => x.ContactId)

Or the field you want ColumnDistinctAsync<Guid> to return

The Contact class is:

public class Contact
    public Guid UserId { get; set; }
    public Guid ContactId { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }

The Items class is:

public class Items
    public int ItemsId { get; set; }
    public Guid UserId { get;set; }
    public Guid ContactId { get;set; }
    public DateTime? CompletedOn { get;set; }

The OrmLiteMapping class is just a set of convenience methods to achieve the same effect as adding the necessary attributes on the POCO objects.

public abstract class OrmLiteMapping<TEntity> : IOrmLiteMapping
    protected void Ignore(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expression)
        var info = (PropertyInfo)ReflectionHelper.GetMemberInfo(expression);
        info.AddAttributes(new IgnoreAttribute());

    protected void AutoIncrement(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expression)
        var info = (PropertyInfo)ReflectionHelper.GetMemberInfo(expression);
        info.AddAttributes(new AutoIncrementAttribute());

    protected void MapToColumn(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expression, String columnName)
        var info = (PropertyInfo)ReflectionHelper.GetMemberInfo(expression);
        info.AddAttributes(new AliasAttribute(columnName));

    protected void MapToTable(String tableName)
        typeof(TEntity).AddAttributes(new AliasAttribute(tableName));

    protected void MapToSchema(String schema)
        typeof(TEntity).AddAttributes(new SchemaAttribute(schema));

The error I m getting after running the query above is:

Result Message:	
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred.
  ----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : Ambiguous column name 'user_id'.
Ambiguous column name 'contact_id'.

The service stack version I m using is 4.5.4

You are correct about the missing select but thats not the problem in this case

Actually you know what? I just added the missing select at the end and it just worked! I didnt expect that ServiceStack would throw this message with the missing select! Thanks for your help!

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