Hi Demis,
I’ve built an example trying to use ServiceStack authentication & authorization feature in ASP.Net MVC 5.1.
In the attachment you can find an example that doesn’t works:
the auth features active; you can login with http://localhost:54407/api/auth?username=admin&password=Pa$$w0rd
an “hello” service (http://localhost:54407/api/hello); this decorated with the [Authenticate] attribute so this works only if you’re logged in
an “home” controller decorated with the [Authenticate] attribute; you can invoke it with http://localhost:54407/home.
The home controller redirects me to the login page (http://localhost:54407/login?redirect=%2fhome) also if I’m logged in.
What’s wrong?
Thank you
Have you looked at the Custom MVC Auth examples in UseCases?
Otherwise downloading and diagnosing a custom solution requires a support incident, if you want to use a support incident for this can you send this info to support@servicestack.net to confirm, thx.
paolo ponzano:
I’ve forwarded the mail to the support, thanks