Petr Babička - 329 - Jan 21, 2014

i’m trying get debug symbols for servicestack from symbolsource server. I configure everything how describe in SS release note, but i can’t load symbols. It looks like on symbolsource issue (because DownloadCount is zero [ ]).

Am i doing something wrong or get this issue someone else? I’m running on MSVS 2013 Pro. not found not found

Yeah I just noticed that it doesn’t debug source code in ServiceStack.dll for me either, unfortunately I can’t tell what the issue is, I just checked the deployed ServiceStack.4.08.symbols.nupkg and it looks like all the source code is in /src which is all it should need.

One way around it is to download the source code from: build ServiceStack.dll and change the reference of your project to use that so it can debug the dll using the repo source code.