PostgreSql DateTime Converter

Hi, I wanted to let you know that to let Postgresql work correctly with datetime fields as SQL Server does, I had to override the current PostgreSqlDateTimeConverter in the following way:

public class PostgreSqlDateTimeExplicitConverter : ServiceStack.OrmLite.PostgreSQL.Converters.PostgreSqlDateTimeConverter
    public override string ToQuotedString(Type fieldType, object value)
        return $ "{base.ToQuotedString(fieldType, value)}::timestamp";

That because quoted datetime literals are not implicitly converted in postgresql like it happen in SQL Server, so I had a lot of type mismatch errors with postgre. Do you see anything wrong? Do you think you could benefit from this implementation?

PostgreSQL is more strict than other RDBMS and requires explicit type casting to access specific type functions, casting in the converter is inconsistent to other RDBMS impls and could be a breaking change so I don’t want to replace the existing impl.

Ok I understand your point of view. Could you verify that datetime literals are used correctly in the postgresql implementation?