All my services return the following DTO for GET verb
public interface IAppResponse<T>
int Count { get; set; }
T Content { get; set; }
now I need to add a Guid to each response so I’ve changed the interface to
public interface IAppResponse<T>
int Count { get; set; }
string Guid { get; set; }
T Content { get; set; }
I’ve implemented a GlobalResponseFilter to value the Guid property and to add a custom cookie for each response.
I’ve discovered that GlobalResponseFilter is not called if [CompressResponse] attribute has been used.
I’ve a lots of GET methods decorated with [CompressResponse], how can I intercept this responses?
Note: there’s no Response DTO after the [CompressResponse] Response Filter attribute is executed, i.e. the compressed bytes are written directly to the Response Stream so you would need to access the Service Response before [CompressResponse] Response Filter attribute is executed which is listed in the Order of Operations.
This does show that Global Response Filters are executed before the [CompressResponse] Response Filter attribute which I’ve tested and confirmed does happen so it’s not clear why it’s not happening for you. You could try upgrading to a recent version of ServiceStack since v5.9.2 is a very old version.
After some debugging I’ve discovered the culprit is in ServiceRunner.ExecuteAsync method which looks for ResponseFilters and execute them.
if (ResponseFilters != null)
foreach (var responseFilter in ResponseFilters)
var attrInstance = responseFilter.Copy();
if (attrInstance is IHasResponseFilter filter)
filter.ResponseFilter(req, res, response);
else if (attrInstance is IHasResponseFilterAsync filterAsync)
await filterAsync.ResponseFilterAsync(req, res, response);
if (res.IsClosed)
return null;
if res.IsClosed the method returns without execute of ServiceStackHost.ApplyResponseFiltersAsync
I cannot figure out why CompressResponse attribute is in the ResponseFilters collection, it’s priority is 0 not below 0. And I don’t know why res.IsClosed is true
It could be a problem of SS 5.9.2?
Or I’m using the CompressResponse attribute in a wrong way?
This is how I use CompressResponse attribute
public class DGruppiTestiCodificatiService : AppDizionariService
private readonly IDGruppoTestiCodificati _gruppoTestiCodificati;
public DGruppiTestiCodificatiService(IDGruppoTestiCodificati gruppoTestiCodificati)
_gruppoTestiCodificati = gruppoTestiCodificati;
public async Task<DizionarioGruppiTestiCodificatiResponse> Get(DizionarioGruppiTestiCodificatiGetAll request)
(var content, int count) = await _gruppoTestiCodificati.GetAllPagedAsync(request.First, request.Rows, request.SortField, request.SortOrder);
return new DizionarioGruppiTestiCodificatiResponse(count, content);
AppDizionariService is this a base custom class for all my services which inherits from SS Service class
public abstract class AppDizionariService : Service
Action Attributes (attributes added to methods) gets executed first so you wouldn’t be able to intercept the response. You should move the [CompressResponse] Attribute so it’s on the Service or Request DTO class instead.