Rollback leaves empty row in database if Id is autoincrementedw

Why does rollback leave a row with all nulls in the database when the table has an id with autoincrement?

public class TestRollback 
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Data { get; set; }

public void TestRollback()
    using (IDbTransaction transaction = Db.OpenTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable))
            TestRollback test = new TestRollback();
            //test.Data = "This is test1";
            var saved = Db.Save(test); //This will fail because test.Data is required
        catch (Exception e)

I’ve added a test for this in this commit which works as expected and leaves no row inserted, tested in SQLite, SQL Server, MySql and PostgreSQL.

Thanks for testing this. I reinstalled ORMLite and it is working now. Gotta love computers!!