Routing and Security

After looking at the documentation and trying to do my own research.
I’m a little confused as to how the vuetify + nuxt template handles routing and security.

ie. I can add the authenticate annotation to the service, however if I enter the URL manually, the page is still directed properly but with no data coming from the service.

How can you restrict access to unauthorized users ?

Brian S.

You can find examples of strategies of protecting pages in latest .NET Core SPA templates where for a normal Vue App using vue-router you can use the beforeEnter route hook in your route definitions, e.g:

function requiresAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: (to?: string) => void) {
  if (!store.userSession) {
function requiresRole(role: string) {
  return (to: Route, from: Route, next: (to?: string) => void) => {
    if (!store.userSession) {
    else if (!store.userSession.roles || store.userSession.roles.indexOf(role) < 0) {
    else {

const routes = [
  { path: Routes.Profile, component: Profile, beforeEnter: requiresAuth },
  { path: Routes.Admin, component: Admin, beforeEnter: requiresRole('Admin') },
  { path: Routes.Forbidden, component: Forbidden },

This isn’t available in Vue Nuxt.js Apps which use their own implicit page routing so the vue-nuxt SPA project template uses the Vue components mounted() hook to ensure they have authorization, e.g:

import { requiresAuth } from '../shared';

export default {
    computed: {
    mounted () {
    methods: {


export function requiresAuth() {
    if (state.userSession == null) {
        return false;
    return true;