Ryan Britton - 244 - Aug 10, 2014

I was reading throught the AutoQuery information and wondering whether there was a way to take advantage of this feature when not using an ORM-Lite compatible database like RavenDb. I assume that the fact that the RavenDb store can be queried with Linq might make a generic approach possible - I was just wondering if this is something you’ve considered Demis, and how you would suggest approaching it?

AutoQuery is effectively tied to SQL and by extension RDBMS’s. The fact that it uses OrmLite underneath should be an implementation detail. Supporting non-RDBMS’s could take a similar approach, but it’s unlikely there would be much code-reuse.

If you wanted to explore a non-RDBMS option, I’d basically start with a copy of the AutoQuery feature (all fits on 1 page: https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/blob/master/src/ServiceStack.Server/AutoQueryFeature.cs) and re-implement and the parts that it leverages OrmLite for.

Ryan Britton:

thanks Demis - will take a look

Ryan Britton:

 “The fact that it uses OrmLite underneath should be an implementation detail” - yes, sorry…should have said non-RDBMS data store…