Select in select clause (or subselect, subquery...)

Hello, please can be written with typped OrmLite and strong entities this query?

Select tab.*, (Select Count(*) From MyTable Where ParentId=tab.Id) As ChildCount
From MyTable tab 
Where tab.ParentId Is Null 

…I know I can use Group By, or pure sql, but I would like use strongly typped entities (with naming conversion etc.).

Thank you, TH.

I will add my current solution. I would like to avod the hand-writed custom sql query at ChildCount computing.

var exp = db.From<Entities.Object>();

if (query.ParentId.HasValue)
    exp.And(x => x.ParentId == query.ParentId);
    exp.And(x => !x.ParentId.HasValue);

exp = exp.Limit(query.Paging.Skip, query.Paging.PageSize);

exp = exp.Select(x =>
        ChildCount = Sql.Custom("(Select Count(*) From \"object\" x Where x.parent_id=\"object\".id)"),
        TotalRows = Sql.Custom("COUNT(*) OVER()")

var ds = db.Select<ObjectListItem>(exp);

The only sub select typed expression support is within a WHERE IN statement.

You can get typed column and table names in your custom SQL using the Column<T> and Table<T> extension methods.

ChildCount = Sql.Custom($$"(Select Count(*) From {exp.Table<Entities.Object>()} x Where x.parent_id=\"object\".id)"),

You should also be able to render the Sub Select as to a SQL Statement and include that, something like:

var q = db.From<Entities.Object>(db.TableAlias("x"));
q.Where(x => x.ParentId == Sql.Custom(q.Column<Entities.Object>(c => c.Id, true)));
var subSql = q.Select(Sql.Count("*")).ToSelectStatement();

exp = exp.Select(x =>
        ChildCount = Sql.Custom($$"({subSql})"),
        TotalRows = Sql.Custom("COUNT(*) OVER()")

The second solution is exactly what I’m looking for. I modified it this way (it might be useful for someone else):

var exp = db.From<Entities.Object>();
exp.And(x => !x.ParentId.HasValue);
var q = db.From<Entities.Object>(db.TableAlias("x"));
q.Where($$"x.{q.Column<Entities.Object>(qp => qp.ParentId)}={exp.Column<Entities.Object>(ep => ep.Id, true)}");
var subSql = q.Select(Sql.Count("*")).ToSelectStatement();

exp = exp.Select(x =>
		ChildCount = Sql.Custom($$"({subSql})"),
		TotalRows = Sql.Custom("COUNT(*) OVER()")

var ds = db.Select<ObjectListItem>(exp);

…query above generate this sql:

SELECT "object"."id", "object"."parent_id", "object"."name",
     (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "object" "x" WHERE x."parent_id" = "object"."id") AS ChildCount,
     COUNT(*) OVER () AS TotalRows
FROM "object"
WHERE NOT(("parent_id" IS NOT NULL))

Ok, I also mention it a little intentionally :-))
It’s possible to notice, that “parent_id” is not prefixed with “object” like columns in Select clause - with more same tables, this might be a problem, but maybe it’s treated, I admit that I don’t know.

But, when I add “TableAlias” for “main” table in this way:

var exp = db.From<Entities.Object>(db.TableAlias("obj"));
// of code is same as above

I get this result with error:

SELECT "object"."id", "object"."parent_id", "object"."name",
     (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "object" "x" WHERE x."parent_id" = "object"."id") AS ChildCount,
     COUNT(*) OVER () AS TotalRows
FROM "object" "obj"
WHERE NOT(("obj"."parent_id" IS NOT NULL))

Is there some magic how to make them in the Select clause “obj” instead of “object” (and same for subquery). And also tell in the exp.Column<>(…) which table alias to use, especially with more joined (and aliased) tables?

Thank you!

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The 2 queries are completely separate, they don’t have any impact on the each other query.

There are examples of different ways TableAliases’s can be used in this example:

e.g. you could Sql.TableAlias() like:

q.Where(x => x.ParentId == Sql.TableAlias(x.Id, "obj"));

Thank you for your response. I will try the part with column alias. But in the second part I was probably wrong and I was not understood:-)

This behavior seemed bad to me (simplified version):

var sqlExpression = db.From<Entities.Object>(db.TableAlias("obj"));
sqlExpression = sqlExpression.Select(x => new { x, TotalRows = Sql.Custom("COUNT(*) OVER()") });
var result = db.Select(sqlExpression);

generates this bad sql query:

SELECT "object"."id", "object"."parent_id", "object"."name", COUNT(*) OVER () AS TotalRows
FROM "object" "obj"

Is problem with my coding (or using table alias with total rows counting) or with generation sql query?

And one another question (I don’t want to dirty the main discussion thread) - do you plan to add “Global DeleteFilter” feature to OrmLiteConfig?

The latest v5.5.1 on MyGet should now use the Table Alias if defined.

No, most delete APIs use an Id or a condition, there’s no access to the entity like there is with Update/Delete APIs.