Self reference is not creating column in table

This declaration is not creating the Parent column in de LookupItem table. What’s missing?

    public class Folder

        public long Id { get; set; }

        public Folder Parent {get;set;}

Please see docs on Reference Conventions. Property references are for defining properties that are populated from an external table, i.e. they’re not stored with the existing table.

But i want to store a hierarchy (i changed the example to a Folder / Parent structure). You’re saying that this is currently not supported? Any alternative?

Using a [Reference] property tells OrmLite this data is being stored in a different table.

Storing a parent/child relationship is typically done by defining a ParentId which references the same table:

public class Folder
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public long ParentId {get;set;}