Serializing of exceptions for specific endpoints

I am looking for the best way (i.e. most maintainable way) to customize the exact exception data on the wire for a small number of my existing service operations.
I really only want to customize for one or two of my services, and even then one or two of my operations of those services. So I am looking to see If I can do this in a ResponseFilterAttribute ideally, that I can slap onto specific operations.

What I need to do is comply with (RFC6749 OAuth 2.0), and return errors as a serialized JSON structure.

Currently, my service is existing and is setup as a standard service with a DTO that has a ResponseStatus property (as recommended).

public class MyRequestDtoResponse
    public ResponseStatus ReponseStatus { get; set; }

Presently, errors are coming back on the wire like so:

	"ResponseStatus": {
		"ErrorCode": "RuleViolationException",
		"Message": "{\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"Client authentication failed. (rfc6749)\"}",
		"Errors": []

What I think RFC6749 needs me to return is:

	"error": "invalid_grant",
	"error_description": "Client authentication failed. (rfc6749)"

which, you can see, is already present in the ResponseStatus.Message already, just how I want it.

Can I create a ResponseFilter that will give me what I need?
How would that work?

(p.s. already utilize Config.MapExceptionToStatusCode to map my specific exceptions to specific status codes across my services, and custom code in OnExceptionTypeFilter . I don’t want to interfere with any of that for these specific operations.)

To control the error response you’ll need to write it directly to the Response yourself which you can do with a Response Filter, IMO the easiest solution is to use a Custom Exception and a Global Response Filter, that way you don’t need to remember to annotate specific services, e.g:

GlobalResponseFilters.Add((req, res, response) =>
    var ex = response as OAuth2Exception;
    if (ex == null) return;
    res.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
    res.ContentType = MimeTypes.Json;
    res.EndRequest(skipHeaders: true);

Anyway that’s the general idea.

Thanks, the filter works as expected, but it seems becuase I already have a: appHost.ServiceExceptionHandlers registered it that handler is handling my exception first and messing up the filter (since the exception is not one of the registered exceptions in MapExceptionToStatusCode).

Now, if I register another appHost.ServiceExceptionHandler.Add(mydelegate) that handles my special kind of exception first, then I can return whatever response I like in that delegate, and that seems to work.

Then only thing that does not work now, is that the response content comes back as I like, but the StatusCode is 200, not a 400. How do I set the status code of the response?

Ah, got it! stupid me.

            ServiceExceptionHandlers.Add((req, request, exception) =>
                if (exception is MyCustomException)
                    req.Response.StatusCode = 400;
                    return "{\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"Client authentication failed. (rfc6749)\"}";

                return null;

thanks Mythz.

OK, now what if I wanted my validation errors (from my AbstractValidators<TDto> to come back in this form:

	"error": "invalid_request",
	"error_description": "The 'Password' for the request is not a valid password"

instead of in the standard form:

	"ResponseStatus": {
		"ErrorCode": "NotEmpty",
		"Message": "The 'Password' for the request is not a valid password",
		"Errors": [{
				"ErrorCode": "NotEmpty",
				"FieldName": "Password",
				"Message": "The 'Password' for the request is not a valid password",
				"Meta": {
					"PropertyName": "Password"

How would I control that just for specific operations?

If you want to change how validation errors are serialized you’ll need to rewrite the Validation Feature plugin which are mostly contained in these 2 classes:

So instead of registering the built-in ValidationFeature, you’ll need to register your own customized version.

Oh, that does not sound like something I for one fancy doing!

I haven’t tried it yet, but I was hoping you would say that I could just handle a ValidationException in a ServiceExceptionHandlers just like I do for my custom exception?

(Oh well, I might have to just be a little non-compliant with errors and RFC6749, which is fine for us at this stage.)


Merry Christmas