Reading that signalr .net core 2.1 is supporting text and binary formats with binary using messagepack. Also,
SignalR supports transports like long polling , server send events , websockets and custom transports.
Say I want to use MQTT for example on a bare TCP socket in an IOT device, would you recommend me to use signalR or is there a way for me to leverage my existing investment in SS ?
I am currently using SSE in SS , will SSE always be seperate from signalr server send events or are you planning to pull the 2 together.
SSE is simple, efficient and works everywhere, IMO multiple transports are completely unnecessary, I’d be very surprised if the other non JS/C# SignalR clients would bother implementing all available transports.
Also notifications/events are generally small (well within the MTU packet size) that I wouldn’t expect binary formats to yield a noticeable improvement unless you’re sending events with large payloads. It would also only be beneficial for non-browser clients as JS/JSON is the fastest data interchange format for browsers.
Generally I recommend sending small events over SSE to trigger calling existing HTTP Services to take advantage HTTP Caching, reusability and introspection of HTTP Requests.
ServiceStack doesn’t have a MQTT or bare TCP socket solution so you’d need to adopt a different solution if that’s what you need.
SSE will always be separate from SignalR as they’re completely different implementations with no potential for any integration.