I have a .Net Core 6 Angular 13 application with ServiceStack 8.0. I have a custom AuthProvider implementation for application user. Authentication flow works fine in debug mode. But when the service is hosted in IIS, the /auth post request returns 200 OK response, but the custom authprovider is not getting executed (no logs written, I can see them when executing in debug mode). Below is my web config. Is there anything additional needs to be done while hosting in IIS?
This request doesn’t look valid, you’re sending JSON with a text/html content type. The Response returns a 200 and this request does reach ServiceStack.
But this isn’t a valid Auth Request, since it’s not being posted to /auth/credentials.
I’m not using credential auth provider. I have a custom auth provider implementing “AuthProvider”. This works fine in Development mode, but in Production mode while hosted in IIS, the /auth url doesn’t seem to get hit in spite of the 200 response. The request header do have content type as "application/json’.
When the service is hosted in IIS, the swagger-ui loading fails with error message “failed to parse JSON/YAML response”. The response to the /auth url is a default html page –
You wouldn’t use /auth/provider you would use /auth/{provider} where you’d replace {provider} with the name of your Auth Provider. Or you specify the provider in the Request Body, I don’t understand how your Custom Auth Provider would be able to work without it.
What is the Provider property of your AuthProvider and which base class does it inherit from?
I was using /auth/{provider}. There was a spacing issue in the provider name that resulted in the 404 error. I’m now able to access the /auth/provider url now from both localhost and IIS hosted service. I still have an issue with IIS hosted service where swagger-ui url doesn’t work, but in Development mode the api loads fine -
The Response Headers are showing it reaches ServiceStack so that’s not the issue. The first step in diagnosing any issue is looking at the HTTP Request. What is the HTTP Request/Response Body of a valid request?
The Auth Api is now working with /auth/provider url and the original issue is resolved. Thank you! The swagger-ui is not working for the IIS hosted service. It’s failing with “failed to parse JSON/YAML response” message.
/openapi is a regular ServiceStack API, can’t tell from here why it’s not being executed as a normal API as the request reaches ServiceStack, does its response give any insight into why it’s not being executed?