ServiceStack.OpenAPI and OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow

I am trying to use the ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.OpenApiFeature , now that we have migrated to ServiceStack 5.5.

We want to set it up so that we can let the user Authorize using 3 of the 4 supported methods of OAuth2.0. Which are “AuthorizationCode” grant, “Client Credentials” grant and “Resource Owner Password” grant (we don’t support “Implicit” grant.

Here is how I have defined these three security definitions:

Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
    UseBasicSecurity = false,
    UseBearerSecurity = true,
    SecurityDefinitions = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiSecuritySchema>
            new OpenApiSecuritySchema
                Type = "oauth2", Flow = "accessCode", AuthorizationUrl = "/api/auth", TokenUrl = "/api/token",
                Description = "Delegated authorization",
                Scopes = allUserAccountScopes
            new OpenApiSecuritySchema
                Type = "oauth2", Flow = "application", TokenUrl = "/api/token",
                Description = "Direct Authorization for client applications",
                Scopes = allClientApplicationScopes
            new OpenApiSecuritySchema
                Type = "oauth2", Flow = "password", TokenUrl = "/api/token",
                Description = "Direct authorization for user accounts",
                Scopes = allUserAccountScopes

According to the Swagger 2.0 specs I have all these security definitions defined correctly.

However, when the Swagger_UI is presented the UI for the the first type “Authorization Code” grant type, there is no where to collect the “client_id” or “client_secret” from the UI. Like there is in the other two grant types.

This grant type requires the client_id and client_secret to authenticate the call.

I found this post on Swagger UI, that seems to indicate that perhaps the OpenApiFeature needs to do more to support this scenario.

How do I get this working correctly?

The only 2 Auth Scenarios supported by ServiceStack’s Open API Feature are UseBearerSecurity for submitting JWT or API Key Bearer Tokens or UseBasicSecurity for submitting credentials auth via HTTP Basic Auth.

ServiceStack doesn’t implement its own OAuth server, if you’re using an external library like Identity Server they recommend to use Swashbuckle or NSwag to configure support in Swagger.