I have a project that synchronizes server data to multiple remote devices (muti-tenancy). I’m using RabbitMQ as a message broker to manage this. When a device’s data changes in server, a message is sent to the queue for its respective subscriber which will proxy to their respective remote devices using SignalR.
To integrate ServiceStack.RabbitMq with SignalR by using servicestack.messaging API within a .NET BackgroundService, so both mqServer.Start() and RegisterHanlder<>(); will be registered in the backgroundService
it seems to me that it’s straightforward to set up a each RegisterHandler for each remote device, but all remote devices have the same messageTyoe. The number of devices is also not known until runtime. Using the current API, I can’t define channels for each device without knowing specifying a message type, How can I adapt the servicestack.messaging API to fit this scenario?
Thank you for building this good framework.