ServiceStack v6.8!

We’re happy to announce that during the ServiceStack v6.8 release we eclipsed 150M+ Total NuGet downloads which we’re celebrating with a brand new website, rewritten from Ruby’s Jekyll with an exciting new Razor SSG project template!


We’re happy with the results - a clean, crisp code-base utilizing simple JS Module Vue 3 components, the source code of which is publicly maintained at:

New Razor SSG Template was created with our exciting new Razor SSG - a Razor Pages powered Markdown alternative to Ruby’s Jekyll & Next.js that’s ideal for generating static websites & blogs using C#, Razor Pages & Markdown.

GitHub Codespaces friendly

In addition to having a pure Razor + .NET solution to create fast, CDN-hostable static websites, it also aims to provide a great experience from GitHub Codespaces, where you can create, modify, preview & check-in changes before the included GitHub Actions auto deploy changes to its GitHub Pages CDN - all from your iPad!

For more Info about the Razor SSG template, check out its Documentation hosted on a Live Demo:

The other primary focus in this release was improving the end-to-end development experience of creating Flutter Mobile Apps that integrate with your ServiceStack APIs.

We’ve created a few videos to demonstrate the latest development experience for creating Flutter Apps.

Creating a simple Flutter Todo App

Creating a more advanced Bookings CRUD Flutter App with AutoQUery

Fastest way to a working gRPC Server and Flutter solution

Improvements to Dart Client

We’ve also added ServiceStack Dart Client Improvements for configuring ServiceClients to use the latest JSON /apiroute and new .api() and .apiVoid() methods for returning successful and failed API responses in an encapsulated ApiResult<T> that the C# and JS/TypeScript JsonServiceClients have benefitted from.

Npgsql v7.0.2

The latest ServiceStack.OrmLite.PostgreSQL now supports the latest stable Npgsql v7.0.2 for all its .NET 6, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework v4.7.2 builds

vue-vite and vue-ssg JAMStack templates upgraded

Both templates have been upgraded to Vite 4 and the latest dependencies and have been integrated with the @servicestack/vue component library and includes an AutoQueryGrid Bookings CRUD UI example for creating instant CRUD UIs for AutoQuery APIs:

Checkout the v6.8 Release Notes for more details of each feature: