Skip, Take for AutoQuery missing in swagger after upgrade

we have updated to .net core and also latest servicestack.
Now when we check in swagger it’s missing the Skip, Take query parameters.

When did Swagger UI show base class properties, What version did you upgrade from?

it was showing when we ran

    <PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Api.Swagger" Version="5.7.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.MsgPack" Version="5.7.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer" Version="5.7.0" />

Now we are running

    <PackageReference Include="ServiceStack" Version="6.11.1" />
	<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi" Version="6.*" />
	<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Redis.Core" Version="6.11.0" />

How are you adding the customization, e.g. description and examples for these fields?

Im not sure if this is what you ask about but here is the setup

   Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryFeature { MaxLimit = 1000 });
        Plugins.Add(new SharpPagesFeature
            MetadataDebugAdminRole = RoleNames.AllowAnon, // Allow Authenticated Users

        Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature()
            DisableSwaggerUI = false,
            ApiDeclarationFilter = api =>
                if (!api.SecurityDefinitions.ContainsKey("apiKey"))
                        "apiKey", new OpenApiSecuritySchema
                            Type = "apiKey",
                            Name = "x-api-key", // Use "x-api-key" as the header name
                            In = "header",
                            Description = "API Key Authentication"
            OperationFilter = (verb, op) =>
                if (op.RequestType == nameof(UploadImagesRequest) && verb == HttpMethods.Post)
                    op.Parameters.Add(new OpenApiParameter
                        Name = "upload",
                        In = "body",
                        Description = "Upload image", // Optional description
                        Required = true, // Set to true if the parameter is required
                        Schema = new OpenApiSchema
                            Type = "string",
                            Format = "binary" // Use "binary" for file uploads

Your fields like Skip has descriptions and examples I’ve not seen before, e.g:

Skip over a given number of elements in a sequence and then return the remainder. 
Use this when you need paging.

Do you know where it’s coming from?

Yes we have a SwaggerMetada.cs file with this

        typeof (QueryBase)
            .AddAttributes(new ApiMemberAttribute
                Description =
                    "Skip over a given number of elements in a sequence and then return the remainder. Use this when you need paging.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?skip=10&orderBy=Id</code>",
                DataType = "int",
                ParameterType = "query"

        typeof (QueryBase)
            .AddAttributes(new ApiMemberAttribute
                Description =
                    "Return a given number of elements in a sequence and then skip over the remainder. Use this when you need paging.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?take=20</code>",
                DataType = "int",
                ParameterType = "query"

        typeof (QueryBase)
            .AddAttributes(new ApiMemberAttribute
                Description =
                    "Comma separated list of fields to order by. Prefix the field name with a minus if you wan't to invert the sort for that field.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?orderBy=Id,-Age,FirstName</code>",
                DataType = "string",
                ParameterType = "query"

I think i found the problem, we had removed this class when upgrading. Sorry for this