I’m trying to improve the performance of “Contains” AutoQuery searches against SQL Server 2014 for my service by using full-text indexing. I couldn’t find any decorators for Full-Text Indexing, so I tried to replace the default behavior by using a Template based on the CONTAINS keyword.
[Route("/records/search", "GET")
public class SearchRecords : QueryDb<RecordPoco>
[QueryDbField(Template = "CONTAINS({Field},{Value})", Field = "Name", ValueFormat="*{0}*")]
public string NameContains { get; set; }
… but calling /records/search?NameContains=foo returns a SqlException:
The argument type “nvarchar(max)” is invalid for argument 2 of “CONTAINS”.
I think it might be possible to override MaxStringLength of the provider (though I’m not sure of the exact syntax), but that’s probably not the right answer here. Any suggestions?