fail: ServiceStack.Host.Handlers.StaticFileHandler[0]
Static file /js/servicestack-client.js forbidden: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call WriteAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead.
Seems to be the outputStream.Close which internally uses a non-async “Write” in Dispose
To repro, we created a new 5.12.1 project using the cli (x new web WebApp), and added CompressFilesWithExtensions = { "js", "css" } on the HostConfig. Then run the app on Kestrel and disabling the browser caching to get the error every time we load up the webpage.
As the .NET 5 project templates contain a NuGet.Config which is already configured to use the latest pre-release packages on MyGet, you should be able to get the latest version by clearing your NuGet packages cache and re-creating the web template, e.g: