Stefan Tsalapatis - 463 - Mar 22, 2014

I  have  to push notifications from server to  JavaScript clients .  Is it possible to use ServiceStack http streaming  and the EventSource for server-sent events (using Remy eventSource for IE) ?   Or any other way ?  maybe  I will use also the  ServiceStack.RabbitMQ  .

Stephen Brannan:

For my project I’m looking at using signalr

Stefan Tsalapatis:

I know about signalR, but I would like to use for everything the ServiceStack, if I use the RabbitMQ plugin.

Stephen Brannan:

Oh interesting idea. Hopefully Demis knows.

As ServiceStack only supports HTTP requests atm, the only way to do this “through ServiceStack” is to use long-polling, briefly discussed here:

There are also a couple of posts using ServiceStack with SignalR on:
and a recent answer:

Stefan Tsalapatis:

Is it possible to have a recent sample project from ServiceStack, working together with SignalR?

If the above examples aren’t enough, add it as a feature request.

Stefan Tsalapatis:

+Demis Bellot
 No I will not add a feature request about a sample. thanks any way/

As you wish, but in future that’s how work items are prioritized and queued and where any requested work items should be submitted.

Stefan Tsalapatis:

+Demis Bellot
  I had asked about that , before 2 months, when I voted about the OWIN, as other community members.  This request is not accepted. Today I have to integrate with an external system. which use  PowerShell commands and it has high latency. So it is necessary, to push notifications to clients. For this reason, I asked from the beginning.  I thought that  maybe we can use the Html5 EventSource.

Wayne Brantley:

Use servciestack everywhere you are currently using it.  Then hook up a javascript client to your RabbitMQ instance directly, listening for messages or status update or whatever?

Cool, didn’t know there was a websockets bridge for RabbitMQ. 

Stefan Tsalapatis:

+Wayne Brantley
thanks, It seems a very good solution, as a notification mechanism (at least),  if we use the RabbitMQ,  behind the service.  In this post
users say that    “It works flawlessly, even on Android 2.3 mobile browser”