I’ve looked through the forums for this ‘issue’ and have seen a similar post but just wanted clarification.
My project uses OrmLite with SQLite, on startup (in one of my plugins) I check to see if tables exists, create them if necessary and I insert a default row of data. One of the fields in the row of data is an object which should be serialized and put into the database as text. When I create this on plugin startup (Configure) I get the following in the field:
{Order:1,Description:test,Notes:“testing, testing…”}
Once then system is started, if I proceed to create a new row within my ServiceInterface (from data that has been POST’ed), I get the following:
{order:1,description:test,notes:“testing, testing…”}
I have used the EmitCamelCaseNames property set to True to fix this problem, but I wondered why there is a difference when I haven’t explicitly changed any setting? I’ve dumped the properties of JsConfig and they seem to be the same?
Thanks for your insights.