Strange enum code generation

I have an enum definition on a .NETCore server that looks as follows:

	public enum SubscriptionState
		Active = 1,
		WaitingForPayment = 2,
		RenewedActive = 3,
		Expired = 4,
		ExpiredLocked = 5,
		Archived = 6,
		Evaluating = 7,

I always init enums starting with 1 since 0 has a special meaning in my software.

This is, what is generated when I generate the DTO file in Visual Studio 2017:

    public enum SubscriptionState
        Active = Active,
        WaitingForPayment = WaitingForPayment,
        RenewedActive = RenewedActive,
        Expired = Expired,
        ExpiredLocked = ExpiredLocked,
        Archived = Archived,
        Evaluating = Evaluating,

And of course this generates an error when compiling:

1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(83,9,83,15): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.Active' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(84,9,84,26): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.WaitingForPayment' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(85,9,85,22): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.RenewedActive' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(86,9,86,16): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.Expired' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(87,9,87,22): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.ExpiredLocked' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(88,9,88,17): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.Archived' involves a circular definition
1>D:\Projects\BizBusOpsManagerClient\OpsManager.DTOs\BizBusGatewayDTOs.dtos.cs(89,9,89,19): error CS0110: The evaluation of the constant value for 'SubscriptionState.Evaluating' involves a circular definition

Any idea what is going wrong here?

This has been resolved in latest v5.6.1 on MyGet, alternatively you can add [Flags] attribute to treat it as an int enum.