I recently updated from ServiceStack v3.x to latest v4.5.4 (and loving it). The only issue I have encountered is the Swagger integration that I previously had on the project is no longer working properly. When I view the Swagger UI I see the error “SwaggerOperation [OperationName] is missing httpMethod.” It seems swagger is expecting the JSON returned by the /resources endpoint to use “httpMethod” instead of “method” (as shown in the sample below that is being generated by my project). I have uninstalled and re-installed the ServiceStack.Api.Swagger package to see if that fixes it but it did not. What am I missing?
{"swaggerVersion":"1.2","apiVersion":"1.0","basePath":"http://localhost:7100","resourcePath":"/account","apis":[{"path":"/account/advertisers","description":"Request advertiser list.","operations":[{"method":"GET","summary":"Request advertiser list.","notes":"Provides list of advertisers associated with your account or your partners.","nickname":"GetAdvertisersRequest","parameters":[],"responseClass":"List[AdvertiserResponse]","errorResponses":[]}]},