I use the SwaggerFeature plugin in an existing SS API and works great, but this project that I started now, when I go to the swagger-ui url I get this:
(PostmanFeature works great and the API as well… jut not the Swagger part)
I’m using as a host, a WebForms project with only a Global.asax (packages and web.config) - this setup is the same as used in the host project where Swagger works as well - containing:
public class Global : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// NHibernate & StructureMap initialization
// Service initialization
new AppHost().Init();
How can I debug this part in order to see what is messing up with the Swagger UI?
I would first look at the raw HTTP Responses that are returning the redirects, maybe it will shed some light on why it has a redirect in the first place.
ok weird, just wanted to check if there was something in the headers indicating what the issue was. I’m not exactly sure what’s doing the redirect since SwaggerFeature doesn’t have any redirects itself. Not sure if it helps but can you provide the /swagger-ui/?debug=requestinfo output in-case there were any StartupErrors?