I am looking to create a gerneric catch all error page with TemplatePagesFeature in an aspnetcore kestrel app.
Is there a recommend way to handle error redirects with Templates for 404/500 status codes?
I am looking to create a gerneric catch all error page with TemplatePagesFeature in an aspnetcore kestrel app.
Is there a recommend way to handle error redirects with Templates for 404/500 status codes?
I’ve included page path constructors in this commit which lets you specify the path to the page (i.e. instead of a direct reference to the page) so you can register TemplatePageHandler
the same as you would RazorHandler, e.g:
In this case if a Service threw a 404 HTTP Error Response it will return the /wwwroot/notfound.cshtml page whilst all other errors will return the /wwwroot/error.html page.
This change is available from v5.4.1 that’s now available on MyGet.
Thanks Demis, looks ideal