Try to use FluentValidation and I received an Exception

Hi I have issue with Fluent Validation and the IOC container
I want to use FluentValidator on my BackEnd Service and in my Xamarin.Forms Apps.

I start with the BackOffice solution:
When Any method it my ApplicationService (I use swagger to test) I have this exception

"responseStatus": {
    "errorCode": "Exception",
    "message": "Error trying to resolve Service 'LanBO.ServiceInterface.ApplicationService' or one of its autowired dependencies (see inner exception for details).",
    "stackTrace": "   at Funq.Container.ResolveImpl[TService](String name, Boolean throwIfMissing)\n   " +
	"at lambda_method(Closure , IResolver )\n   " +
	"at ServiceStack.Host.ContainerResolveCache.CreateInstance(IResolver resolver, Type type, Boolean tryResolve)\n   " +
	"at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceController.<>c__DisplayClass37_0.<RegisterServiceExecutor>b__0(IRequest req, Object dto)\n   " +
	"at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceController.<ExecuteAsync>d__47.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n   " +
	"at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\n   " +
	"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\n   " +
	"at ServiceStack.Host.RestHandler.<ProcessRequestAsync>d__14.MoveNext()"

So I start by doing an Interface Class of my dto/table Data in a separate project

namespace LanBO.ServiceModel.Interface.Tables
    public interface IApplication: IConcurrency
        string ApplicationCode { get;  set; }  
        string ApplicationDescription { get; set; }  
        bool Active { get; set; }

Then my Validator in a separate project:

namespace LanBO.FluentValidator
    public class ApplicationValidator: AbstractValidator<IApplication>
        public ApplicationValidator()
            RuleFor(instance => instance.ApplicationCode)
            RuleFor(instance => instance.ApplicationDescription)

In my service where the Exception occur I do have

using System;
using FluentValidation;
using LanBO.FluentValidator;
using LanBO.ServiceModel;
using LanBO.ServiceModel.Tables;
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.OrmLite;

namespace LanBO.ServiceInterface
    public class ApplicationService : Service
        public IValidator<ApplicationValidator> ApplicationValidator; 
        public ApplicationService(IValidator<ApplicationValidator> appl) 
           ApplicationValidator = appl;

In my Apphost Configuration I have

appHost.Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature
ScanAppHostAssemblies = false // Because I use a different Assembly to store my Validator

How can I debug this so I can see what assembly is missing ? I had in my project reference all the assemblies of my solution


Register an ExceptionHandler and debug the Exception thrown to inspect the InnerException.

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[2018-05-11 12:13:58.9908][Andres-MacBook-Pro][Fatal] UncaughtExceptionHandlers -> Request:ServiceStack.Host.NetCore.NetCoreRequest Exception:System.Exception: Error trying to resolve Service 'LanBO.ServiceInterface.ApplicationService' or one of its autowired dependencies (see inner exception for details). ---> System.Exception: Error trying to resolve Service 'FluentValidation.IValidator`1[[LanBO.FluentValidator.ApplicationValidator, LanBO.FluentValidator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' or one of its autowired dependencies (see inner exception for details). ---> System.InvalidOperationException: No service for type 'FluentValidation.IValidator`1[LanBO.FluentValidator.ApplicationValidator]' has been registered.

More details… but cannot understand how to solved it… still searching…