Type name (RedisMqServer) changed in v5?

I’m tired of the very slow performance of SQS (not the fault of ServiceStack) and am looking to implement redis instead.

I previously had a proof of concept but seems the code is no longer building with version 5 of service stack.

Has the RedisMqServer moved or changed name ?

I have the following implementation at present:

using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Messaging;
using ServiceStack.Messaging.Redis;  <---- this appears to no longer be available
using ServiceStack.Redis;

            else if (queueProvider == "Redis")
                var redisFactory = new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379");
                var mqHost = new RedisMqServer(redisFactory, retryCount: 2); <--- believe this was coming from ServiceStack.Messaging.Redis previously.

Any help would be appreciated

Kind Regards,


Found I was missing the ServiceStack.Server package. Should there be a naming change here or a dependency for install ?

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It’s available in the ServiceStack.Server package. The ServiceStack.Server package is for high-level logic that has dependencies to ServiceStack.Redis and ServiceStack.OrmLite. The ServiceStack.Messaging.Redis namespace is the logical name for RedisMqServer.

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