The typescript client stopped compiling when I added the azure media services nuget package and was trying to output The culprits are below. I can see the dependencies are not generated in order in the file. I’m not sure what needs to be changed?
dto.dtos.ts(86,37): error TS1023: An index signature parameter type must be ‘string’ or ‘number’.
dto.dtos.ts(121,48): error TS2449: Class ‘BaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(233,46): error TS2449: Class ‘BaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(323,68): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(334,62): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(338,52): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(446,44): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(468,44): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(513,54): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(558,49): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(566,47): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(598,40): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(602,48): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(616,51): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(620,51): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(634,53): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(651,53): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(722,47): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(726,44): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.
dto.dtos.ts(787,56): error TS2449: Class ‘CloudBaseCollection’ used before its declaration.