The new qs and query return the Request.QueryString collection, the URL Handling filters work on strings, which you can get by calling .ToString() on the collection, e.g:
FYI to improve the experience a bit I’ve added queryString to return Request.QueryString.ToString()
{{ queryString | addQueryString({ qs3: 3 }) }}
You can also use addItem to add an item to a collection, inc. a Dictionary to a Dictionary, a KeyValuePair to a dictionary, etc then you can use the new toQueryString filter to generate the queryString, e.g:
ok no worries, glad you’ve found a solution. I wanted to ensure this scenario is well supported so I’ve added a new queryDictionary filter to return the QueryString in an Object Dictionary (so it can be queried/modified as a dictionary) and added support for NameValueCollection in underlying Dictionary conversion APIs, I’ve also changed toQueryString to prefix the QueryString with a ? which different URL Handling APIs were checking for.
Anyway there’s now a lot of ways to achieve the same result which you can test by replacing the URL Handling Live preview with: