Use OpenId 2.0 Authentication in mobile

I want to use OAuth2.0 by my mobile APP. I find the default implement support Authentication very well for web , but i don’t need redirect, i just want to use it to create a user and a session for my mobile apps.

I have two questions:

  1. Does LinkedInOAuth2Provider support mobile login?
  2. if LinkedInOAuth2Provider is just used by web, how to update it?

Thank you!

The OAuth providers requires redirects to work so they need to run in a web browser.

There’s an example project that shows how you can login using an Xamarin.Auth component which wraps a web view at:

thanks for your help. I review the solution of Xamarin. I found them use webview to implement it.

Use webview to implement OAuth in mobile is not good. Because some mobile app do not need you to input username and password. You can just click a button to login in by another app. :sweat: