Is it possible to get the API benefits of using AutoQuery, but still use a Razor template for HTML rendering?
I have an AutoQuery ServiceModel which looks like this:
[Route("/devices", "GET")]
[Route("/devices/{DeviceId}", "GET")]
public class GetDevices : QueryDb<WebRemote.ServiceModel.Types.Device>
public string DeviceId { get; set; }
Here’s the Razor template I’m trying to apply: Devices.cshtml:
@inherits ViewPage<WebRemote.ServiceModel.Types.Device>
ViewBag.Title = "Devices";
I’m also tried using
@inherits ViewPage<QueryDb<WebRemote.ServiceModel.Types.Device>>
Is there a way to do this, or does using AutoQuery prevent me from applying a Razor template to this API endpoint?
Also: Is this a rediculous thing to want to do? Generally when I can’t find an answer it’s because I’m doing something rediculous. Hehe.