Using ColumnDistinct with join

Maybe I’ve got the wrong syntax here, but I can’t see to get a ColumnDistinct to work with a join as it gives me an Ambiguous column name error since it doesn’t prepend the column name with the table name.

Given the following simplified models…

public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool IsInactive { get; set; }

    public List<ProfileCode> ProfileCodes { get; set; }

public class ProfileCode
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public string CodeType { get; set; }
    public string CodeValue { get; set; }

I can get the list of non-mailable customers with custom SQL like…

public HashSet<int> SelectCustomerIdsForNoMail()
    using (var db = _DBFactory.OpenDbConnection())
        return db.ColumnDistinct<int>(@"
            select distinct c.Id
            from Customer c
            join ProfileCode pc on c.Id = pc.CustomerId
                c.IsInactive = 0 and
                pc.CodeType = 'MailCode' and pc.CodeValue in ('No Mail', 'Bad Address')");

…but I’d rather not use custom SQL and would like to do something like…

public HashSet<int> SelectCustomerIdsForNoMail()
    using (var db = _DBFactory.OpenDbConnection())
        var query = db.From<Customer>()
            .Select<int>((Customer c) => c.Id)
            .Join<Customer, ProfileCode>((c, pc) => c.Id == pc.CustomerId)
            .Where<Customer>(c => c.IsInactive == false)
            .And<ProfileCode>(pc => pc.CodeType == "MailCode" && Sql.In(pc.CodeValue, new[] { "No Mail", "Bad Address" }));

        return db.ColumnDistinct<int>(query);

…however that is giving me Ambiugous column name 'Id' because it generates the following SQL…

FROM "Customer" INNER JOIN "ProfileCode" ON ("Customer"."Id" = "ProfileCode"."CustomerId")
WHERE ("Customer"."IsInactive" = 0) AND (("ProfileCode"."CodeType" = 'MailCode') AND "ProfileCode"."CodeValue" In ('No Mail','Bad Address'))

Can I not do this, or do I have my syntax wrong for the pull?

Always have the Select() statement at the end like it is with LINQ, and you shouldn’t need to specify .Select<int>, try:

var badCodes = new[] { "No Mail", "Bad Address" };

var q = db.From<Customer>()
    .Join<Customer, ProfileCode>()
    .Where<Customer>(c => c.IsInactive == false)
    .And<ProfileCode>(pc => pc.CodeType == "MailCode" && badCodes.Contains(pc.CodeValue))
    .SelectDistinct(c => c.Id);

var ids = db.ColumnDistinct<int>(q);
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Perfect! That works just dandy. Also didn’t realize we could now do a .Contains to translate to a Sql.In…nice!

Thanks Demis!

oooh, thanks for pointing out the Sql.In / Contains part !