v4.5.6 Released!

For anyone who’s missed last week’s v4.5.6 release here’s a quick re-cap below.
For the full details of this release please see the full v4.5.6 release notes.

New Angular2 Single Page App template!

We’ve added a new modern SPA VS.NET Template for Angular2 which is built the same npm-based TypeScript / JSPM / Gulp technology stack that’s solidified in our other SPA templates with the main difference being that it’s based on the Material Design Lite theme.

The Angular2 template also takes advantage of Angular2’s modular architecture with a physical structure optimal for small-to-medium sized projects where its modular layout is compartmentalized into multiple independent sub modules which can easily scale to support large code bases.

Simpler and Optimized Single Page App Templates

We’ve also simplified all our existing npm-based SPA Templates to take advantage of the latest dependencies which can simplify our existing development workflow, some changes include:

Upgraded to JSPM 0.17 beta

One of the benefits of using JSPM 0.17 beta is we’re now using its built-in static builds with Rollup optimizations for production deployments which statically links your entire App’s JavaScript into a single app.js, eliminating the need for system.js at runtime and removing the packaging overhead from using modules.

Removed interim deps.tsx

The interim deps.tsx file used to minimize the number of requests required during development is no longer needed. We’re now able to generate a cache of 3rd party npm dependencies using your App’s main .js file and your dependencies listed in npm’s package.json.

Simplified Typings

The typings dependency manager has been removed leaving one less typings.json that needs to be maintained. Templates now use TypeScript’s new @types definitions directly from npm or when they exist, the definitions contained in each npm package that’s referenced in devDependencies.

Upgraded to latest Bootstrap v4

The React and Aurelia SPA Templates have been upgraded to use the just released Bootstrap v4 alpha-6.

Enhanced TypeScript Support

The SPA Templates also benefit from our enhanced TypeScript support with improvements to both the generated TypeScript DTOs and the JsonServiceClient which now includes TypeScript Definitions published with the npm package.

  • Support for Basic Auth - Basic Auth support is now implemented in JsonServiceClient and follows the same API made available in the C# Service Clients
  • Raw Data Responses - The JsonServiceClient also supports Raw Data responses like string and byte[]

Swift 3

Swift Add ServiceStack Reference and the Swift JsonServiceClient has been upgraded to Swift 3 including
its embedded PromiseKit implementation. The earlier Swift 2 compiler bugs preventing AutoQuery Services from working have now been resolved.

swiftref OSX command-line utility

In response to XcodeGhost, Apple has killed support for plugins in Xcode 8 disabling all existing 3rd party
plugins from working, and along with it our Integration with Xcode built into ServiceStack Xcode Plugin.

To enable the best development experience we can without using an Xcode plugin we’ve developed the
swiftref OSX command-line utility to provide a simple command-line UX to easily Add and Update Swift
ServiceStack References.

Installation and Usage instructions for swiftref are available from: https://github.com/ServiceStack/swiftref

All Swift Example Apps upgraded to Swift 3

Our existing Swift Example Apps have all been upgraded to use ServiceStack’s new Swift 3 Support:

Swift Package Manager Apps

In its quest to become a popular mainstream language, Swift now includes a built-in Package Manager
to simplify the maintenance, distribution and building of Swift code. Swift Package Manager can be used to
build native statically-linked modules or Console Apps but currently has no support for iOS, watchOS,
or tvOS platforms.

Nevertheless it’s simple console and text-based programming model provides a great way to quickly develop
prototypes or Console-based Swift Apps like swiftref using your favorite text editor. To support this
environment we’ve packaged ServiceStack’s Swift Service clients into a ServiceStackClient package
so it can be easily referenced in Swift PM projects.

A step-by-step guide showing how to build Swift PM Apps is available at: https://github.com/ServiceStackApps/swift-techstacks-console

Service Fabric Example

Another Example project developed during this release is Hello ServiceFabric to show a Hello World example of running a ServiceStack Self Hosted Service inside Microsoft’s Service Fabric platform.

Performance Improvements

Our first support for .NET Core was primarily focused on compatibility and deep integration with .NET Core’s
Pipeline, Modules and Conventions. In this release we focused on performance and memory usage which we kicked
off by developing a benchmarking solution for automatically spinning up Azure VM’s that we use to run
benchmarking and load tests against: https://github.com/NetCoreApps/Benchmarking

A simple JSON Service running our initial .NET Core support in v4.5.4 release yields Requests/Sec Average:

  • .NET Core 1.1 26179
  • mono 4.6.2 (nginx+hyperfasctcgi) 6428

Running on Standard_F4s azure instance (4 Core, 8GB RAM) using the following
wrk benchmarking tool command:

wrk -c 256 -t 8 -d 30 http://benchmarking_url

Using 8 threads, keeping 256 concurrent HTTP Connections open, Running for 30s.

With the profiling and performance improvements added in this release, the same service now yields:

  • .NET Core 1.1 37073
  • mono 4.6.2 (nginx+hyperfasctcgi) 6840

Which is over a 40% improvement for this benchmark since last release. Running the same ServiceStack
Service on the same VM also shows us that .NET Core is 5.4x faster than Mono.

Upgraded to .NET Core 1.1

We’re closely following .NET Core’s progress and continue to upgrade ServiceStack libraries and their test
suites to run on the latest stable .NET Core 1.1 release.

Client/Server Request Compression

You can now also elect to compress HTTP Requests in any C#/.NET Service Clients by specifying the Compression
Type you wish to use, e.g:

var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl) {
    RequestCompressionType = CompressionTypes.GZip,

FileSystem Mapping

Custom FileSystem mappings can now be easily registered under a specific alias by overriding your AppHost’s
GetVirtualFileSources() and registering a custom FileSystemMapping, e.g:

public override List<IVirtualPathProvider> GetVirtualFileSources()
    var existingProviders = base.GetVirtualFileSources();
    existingProviders.Add(new FileSystemMapping(this, "img", "i:\\images"));
    existingProviders.Add(new FileSystemMapping(this, "docs", "d:\\documents"));
    return existingProviders;

This will let you access File System Resources under the custom /img and /doc routes, e.g:


SQL Server Features

Kevin Howard has continued enhancing the SQL Server Support in OrmLite with access to advanced SQL Server features including Memory-Optimized Tables where you can tell SQL Server to maintain specific tables in Memory using the [SqlServerMemoryOptimized] attribute, e.g:

public class SqlServerMemoryOptimizedCacheEntry : ICacheEntry
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime? ExpiryDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }

The new Memory Optimized support can be used to improve the performance of SQL Server OrmLiteCacheClient by configuring it to use the above In Memory Table Schema instead, e.g:

container.Register<ICacheClient>(c => 
    new OrmLiteCacheClient<SqlServerMemoryOptimizedCacheEntry>());

PostgreSQL Data Types

To make it a little nicer to be define custom PostgreSQL columns, we’ve added [PgSql*] specific attributes which will let you use a typed [PgSqlJson] instead of previously needing to use [CustomField("json")].

The list of PostgreSQL Attributes include:

public class MyPostgreSqlTable
    public List<Poco> AsJson { get; set; }

    public List<Poco> AsJsonB { get; set; }

    public string[] AsTextArray { get; set; }

    public int[] AsIntArray { get; set; }

    public long[] AsLongArray { get; set; }

.NET Core support for MySql

You can now use OrmLite with MySQL in .NET Core using the new ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySql.Core NuGet package.

Create Tables without Foreign Keys

You can temporarily disable and tell OrmLite to create tables without Foreign Keys by setting OrmLiteConfig.SkipForeignKeys = true.

Custom SqlExpression Filter

The generated SQL from a Typed SqlExpression can now be customized using the new .WithSqlFilter(), e.g:

var q = db.From<Table>()
    .Where(x => x.Age == 27)
    .WithSqlFilter(sql => sql + " option (recompile)");

var q = db.From<Table>()
    .Where(x => x.Age == 27)
    .WithSqlFilter(sql => sql + " WITH UPDLOCK");

var results = db.Select(q);

Custom SQL Fragments

The new Sql.Custom() API lets you use raw SQL Fragments in Custom .Select() expressions, e.g:

var q = db.From<Table>()
    .Select(x => new {
        FirstName = x.FirstName,
        LastName = x.LastName,
        Initials = Sql.Custom("CONCAT(LEFT(FirstName,1), LEFT(LastName,1))")

Cached API Key Sessions

You can reduce the number of I/O Requests and improve the performance of API Key Auth Provider Requests by specifying a SessionCacheDuration to temporarily store the Authenticated UserSession against the API Key which will reduce subsequent API Key requests down to 1 DB call to fetch and validate the API Key + 1 Cache Hit to restore the User’s Session which if you’re using the default in-memory Cache will mean it only requires 1 I/O call for the DB request. This can be enabled with:

Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(...,
    new IAuthProvider[] {
        new ApiKeyAuthProvider(AppSettings) {
            SessionCacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),

That covers the major features, for the full details please see the full release notes at: http://docs.servicestack.net/releases/v4.5.6

  • Enjoy!

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