V5.8.0 Released!

Happy to announce the support for ServiceStack gRPC! where your existing ServiceStack Services can now be made available as gRPC Services which opens them up to the https://grpc.io universe where Typed clients can now be generated in most populate languages that’s supported by gRPC.

We’ve also simplified the effort for consuming ServiceStack gRPC on the client as seen in
https://todoworld.servicestack.net showing most supported languages calling SSL and plain-text gRPC Services from scratch within minutes.

With this release we’ve standardized on the recently released .NET Core 3.1 LTS with all .NET Core project templates upgraded to .NET Core 3 and we’ve added a x-plat x dotnet tool you can use instead of web if you only have .NET Core 3.1 installed.

There’s also new non-HTTP generic Host templates created for each of our supported distributed MQ Servers: RedisMQ, RabbitMQ, AWS SQS and Azure Service Bus.

Please see the Release Notes for the full details:


Enjoy + Happy Hacking in 2020!