Validation not triggered when a ServiceExceptionHandlers is added


ValidationFeature works well (validators are in an external assembly) but when I add a ServiceExceptionHandlers, it stops being fired and the request is handled by service even if validation should prevent it.

Is this a bug or is there another way to transform the returned error globally?


ServiceExceptionHandlers.Add((httpReq, request, exception) => {
    var error = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse(request, exception);

    var httpError = error as HttpError;
    if (httpError == null) return error;

    var dtoError = httpError.Response as ErrorResponse;
    if (dtoError == null) return error;

    httpError.Response = new

    return httpError;

I created service with your definition of ServiceExceptionHandler and used AddressValidator/UserValidator from ServiceStack Validation docs with ServiceStack version v4.5.13 from MyGet and it looks that validation works as expected: if error is raised during validation service code does not execute.

Can you provide stand-alone sample which reproduces issue and tell which version of ServiceStack you are using?