VS2015 Servicestack template

I created a self hosting service and the server kept refusing connections. After running through all kinds of options I looked at the code generated by the template and found this:
class Program
private const string ListeningOn = “http://localhost:8088/”;

Looks to me the last ‘8’ is a typo and should be a ‘0’.

@mjb001 it’s not a typo, the start.bat that is also in the template will launch a browser at localhost:8088 as well.

The 8088 port was used to avoid conflict with other apps or windows services that already use the common 8080 port. For example default install of TeamCity 8080 is the default port for its windows service.

Were you navigating to localhost:8080 yourself or was something launching this address for you? Just trying to workout what process brought you to trying the a different URL to try and improve the ease of use of the template. Thanks!

It could be (probably is) my mistake as I never really payed attention to the url in the browser client that gets started when running a service. I probably changed the 8 to 0 in my head :wink: . Anyway, on 8080 it runs fine now so this is me getting some experience with ServiceStack.
By the way: running start.bat from the command-line opens a new command shell window when just typing ‘start’ . I have to explicitly add the ‘.bat’. Not really sure what a good alternative command would be but it feels somewhat inconsistent compared with install etc.

Hmmm you’re right, I just tried the commands without the .bat extension (I usually use TAB to auto complete the file name) and start seems to be the only one that does this. Initially I can’t see why but I’ll have a look into it further and try to fix the issue, thanks!