Warning MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions of "System.ValueTuple" that could not be resolved. These reference conflicts are listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed

Moving on to a new project/application I started from the selfhost-netfx template having upgraded my @servicestack/cli.
I gutted the template to use the new csproj/sdk format and to use package reference instead of config.

When I build I get the following warning:

warning MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions of "System.ValueTuple" that could not be resolved.  These reference conflicts are listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed.

The weird thing is I went through the same process (moving to new csproj format and package reference) for a previous project which still compiles without a single warning.

All ServiceStack packages (in both solution) are referenced in such a way:

<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack" Version="5.*" />

so both solutions should get 5.2.

What can I do to resolve this warning?

System info:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 
Version 15.8.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.03056

All applications are targetting net461

Which template did you start with and what we’re the exact steps to get this error?

dotnet-new selfhost-netfx MyNewApp

and the output

MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\bin'.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Common.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Client.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.OrmLite.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Server.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Redis.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Interfaces.5.2.0.
Restoring NuGet package ServiceStack.Text.5.2.0.
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Server.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.OrmLite.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Text.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Redis.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Common.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Interfaces.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'ServiceStack.Client.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.Interfaces.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.Server.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Restoring NuGet package System.Buffers.4.4.0.
Restoring NuGet package System.Memory.4.5.1.
Adding package 'System.Buffers.4.4.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'System.Memory.4.5.1' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.Client.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Restoring NuGet package System.Numerics.Vectors.4.4.0.
Adding package 'System.Numerics.Vectors.4.4.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.Common.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Restoring NuGet package System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.5.0.
Added package 'ServiceStack.Redis.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Restoring NuGet package NUnit.3.9.0.
Adding package 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.5.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Adding package 'NUnit.3.9.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.OrmLite.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.Text.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'ServiceStack.5.2.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'System.Buffers.4.4.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'System.Memory.4.5.1' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.5.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'System.Numerics.Vectors.4.4.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'
Added package 'NUnit.3.9.0' to folder 'C:\Users\myUserName\source\repos\TestSelfhostedFullFramework2\MyNewApp\packages'

NuGet Config files used:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Config\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Config\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.Fallback.config

Feeds used:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\

    13 package(s) to packages.config projects

I have tried from scratch without touching the template this time (i.e. no modification to go to the new csproj format or the package reference) and it shows the same warnings.

Appears similar to this issue with no clear fix https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/31257

Does this prevent the project from running or is it just a build warning?

Looks like you can get rid of the warning by adding a reference to System.ValueTuple to all projects:

It is and also similar to https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/25614
The template/solution builds fine and the test project runs succesfully.
But it is weird to have some sort of relation to .Net Core when I am targetting (again) a full .Net framework??

Do you mean .NET Standard Library or .NET Core? What’s the relation to .NET Core?

Did not quite cut it for me I am afraid :disappointed:

Or rather it triggers a different warning here:

warning MSB3276: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. Please set the "AutoGenerateBindingRedirects" property to true in the project file. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=294190.

Ok so adding in the .csproj


Sorted out the new warning… :thumbsup:

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No relation to .NET Core in what I am doing, I was referring to the github links that mention both Core and Standard so sorry for the confusion.
I am targetting a full Framework 4.6.1.

Yeah .NET Standard libraries are used in both .NET Framework and .NET Core projects which is what new core libraries like System.ValueTuple and System.Memory also target.