WebServiceException base message is not helpful

I’m converting a legacy window client app to use a servicestack client and I’ve noticed that when a webServiceException is returned and you don’t have the extra catch for WebServiceException the base exception message is the ErrorCode string which is the exception name instead of the more useful ErrorMessage string.

Catch (WebServiceException ex)
  MessageBox.Show(ex.ErrorMessage)  //"You entered the wrong data."
Catch (Exception ex)
  MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)  //"ArgumentError" - no innermessage to grab either.

I looked over the WebServiceException code and you could override the base Message property to provider the Error message details instead of just the exception name.

Yeah that would be more desirable, updated in this commit, available in next release. Will have to highlight it as a potential breaking change.

:thumbsup: thank you!